What I saw:

After viewing this video 3-4 times, the images that stand out in my mind were the "quotes" from leaders in psychology from our history centuries ago and how valid and applicable they are today.  Each slide had enough white space around each frame.  I had the ability to focus on the message free of distractions.

The image of the elephant was colorful and clear as well as the message.  The images that stood out to me were: red arrows, puff clouds to represent thoughts, and colors such as red and green.  These images alerted my senses and enhanced the message without confusion.

I also saw Mr. Rogers and Senator Pastore side by side on the same screen slide and remember how effective that was as it enhanced the message.

What I understood:

I understood the ride and the elephant analogy due to the graphics and color.  It was a concise message and to the point. The rider consists of 1% of our conscious reasoning while the elephant consists of 99% emotional and intuition.  The way to persuade people is to speak to the elephant first and the rider will follow.  

I also understood the importance of using all three tools of rhetoric together (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos) as being the most impactful way to persuade an audience.  I clearly understood how Mr. Rogers did this to perfection as the segments chosen for the film were concise and to the point during his interaction with the Senator.

What I liked:

I liked how the overall message drew me in.  I actually was so interested in getting every point that I watched it multiple times to take notes.  I found that the way in which the skill of persuasion was presented not only taught me how to use it for this class but also brought inspiration as to how I could use this in my life in everyday experiences in my family and in my career path.

What I didn't like:  There was nothing I could find that I didn't like

What I felt:  I jotted down a note when I felt my strongest emotion.  It was when Mr. Rogers was explaining to the Senator his message to children.

"What do you do with the mad you feel?  I can stop when I want too....

Maybe it is because I am a mom.  I know how strong anger can be and I LOVE the way Mr. Rogers empowered children to believe that they could control and feel emotions. 

I actually had tears well up in me during this line.  I believe this line probably also weaved its way into softening the Senator Pastore's rough edges.  Mr. Roger's was extremely effective in his calm demeanor and ending on an emotional appeal.   

I felt inspired and went away with a strong desire to acquire the skills that were presented so skillfully by the narrator, Will Schoder.


  1. Great detail provided about the video, I agree with the impact of Mr. Rogers speech. As a dad myself, this portion of the video seemed to hit a little closer to home.


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