Indian, Child, People, Kid, Children, Boy, Poor

Documentary Project Summary by Annie Todor

Born into Brothels
Directors Ross Kauffman & Zana Briski (2004)
The names of the central characters in the film are the 8 children represented as well as the photographer.
The children: Avijit, Manik, Puja, Shani, Gour, Tapasi, Suchitra, and Kochi. Kana Briski is the photographer who begins working with the children of prostitutes in Calcutta's red light district in India.

This documentary reveals the generational cycle of despair to children born from mothers of prostitutes who have little hope of a better life.  In the beginning the film focuses on the lifestyles of the children and their surroundings of one room living spaces, narrow dark hallways, crowded streets outside their rooms, and mothers going to work behind curtains.  A child narrates her life communicating that the men who visit her home are "no good" and how she is questioned from other women if she will join the line one day.  The beginning of the film focuses on the lack of hope and darkness that each of the children live in day after day.  The 2nd half of the film reveals the hope represented in Kana Briski's mission and also the challenges that she faces in getting all the documentation for the children to apply to school.  The film highlights the determination of the photographer to accomplish her goal which is to raise financial support by selling the children's photography.  The film ends with each individual choice the children make about their future.

The scene that influenced me with a spark of hope was when Zana Briski shows up with her camera in the brothel and teaches the children how to photograph.  Zana gives each child a camera with instructions and reveals her purpose: to see the world through their eyes.  I was delighted to see that this woman brought hope and purpose to the children.  They laughed together as they started taking pictures of each other and their environment.  She empowered the children to learn a skill and provided a distraction from the hopeless day to day patterns they were experiencing.  It impacted me to see how they followed her around and how their countenances revealed joy as they experienced meaning from taking photos.  She represented hope emerging in a dark space and this hope was growing in my heart as well.

I was surprised by the ending of the film revealing the choices that each of the children made or choices made for them by their parents.  I was surprised that some of the parents held their children back from an opportunity for a better life.  I was hopeful that every one of them would embrace the opportunity for change and was disappointed to learn of the choices they made to stay where they were.  Most decided for a better life but there were a few that remained in their home.

The feeling of sadness stayed with me after the film knowing thousands upon thousands of children all over the world experience no hope of a better life.  I am aware of the injustice and unfairness that exists. When I feel sadness, the question comes to mind of how I can be the change I wish to see in the world.  How can I meet a need?  This sadness prompts action in my heart so that I can make a difference in the life of someone that needs hope so desperately.


  1. This was an incredibly captivating summary, and it made me really want to check it out despite it not even being my first choice. I really loved how you also included how certain aspects of it made you feel and your general reaction to it, as it enriched the reading with a subjective but knowledgeable perspective.

  2. I'm so glad you watched this film, Annie! It is amazing, right? I had the honor to introducing it at Sundance to our theater, and Zana and Ross came to do the Q & A. I was a PUDDLE of tears and was almost afraid to go up on stage to bring them up, but then ... EVERYONE was a puddle!

    You're a masterful reflective writer!!

    If I could reply to Jude, I would encourage him to see this!!


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