
Showing posts from September, 2020

This is Water reflection

  This is Water reflective blog entry  Annie Todor There were several quotes and images that stood out to me as I viewed David Wallace's work "This is Water."     "The most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about." This quote went along with the fish swimming in the bowl.   It was a great reminder to me that I can miss meaning in the every day occurrences and rely on a default mentality if I haven't trained my mind to choose to think in a healthy way that includes empathy and gratefulness. I not only enjoyed viewing the video but also reading his commencement speech.  Certain phrases jumped out at me and caught my attention..."It isn't really about the capacity to think, but rather the choice of what to think about" was one of the statements that rang true in my spirit. David Wallace mentioned that it is a matter of choosing to do the work of getting free of my hard-wired default setting which is t